Main products: Herbal Bidi ,Herbal Cigarette ,Bidi Organic ,Herbal Cigarettes ,Bigarette

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Bigarette Herbal started its way back on September 1999 with a single aim to offer something unique and Pure Herbal Smoking Product, with a basic objective to offer a miracle harmless smoke to each and every smoker in the world; so that they can get rid from killer smoking, and those who are suffering can maintain and recover their health by getting benefit of this innovative pure herbal smoking product. Our main aim is to offer this product to serve mankind, by saving them from Health and Wealth disappointments, even if they wish to continue smoking this will be With Out Any Harmful effects. In very short time Black Swan Herbal Smoke became huge success, because of its unique blending specially unique pheromone blending, quality and workmanship with rich pleasure of smoking, not only in India but Worldwide.

Basic Information

Business TypeManufacturer,Trading Company,Distributor/Wholesaler
Company NameBIGARETTE & CO.
Factory Location27,Peela Talab
Factory Size1,000-3,000 square meters
Main MarketsDomestic Market , South Asia , Southern Europe , Northern Europe , Central America , Western Europe , Eastern Asia , Mid East , Oceania , Africa , Southeast Asia , Eastern Europe , South America , North America
Main ProductsHerbal Bidi ,Herbal Cigarette ,Bidi Organic ,Herbal Cigarettes ,Bigarette
Number of Workers301 - 500 People
Port of Shipment
We ProvideHerbal Bidi ,Herbal Cigarette ,Bidi Organic ,Herbal Cigarettes ,Bigarette
Year Established2011

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